Lingjun Meng's Blog

Life is a long long journey.

Introduction to Spring Security

Introduction to Spring Security

A Comprehensive Guide to Spring Security Spring Security is a powerful and customizable authentication and access-control framework that is used to secure Spring-based applications. It’s a standar...

Spring Security 02

Spring Security 02

What is Spring Framework? According to official website The Spring Framework provides a comprehensive programming and configuration model for modern Java-based enterprise application...

Introduction to Spring Security

Introduction to Spring Security

A Comprehensive Guide to Spring Security Spring Security is a powerful and customizable authentication and access-control framework that is used to secure Spring-based applications. It’s a standar...

Java JWT

Java JWT

Understanding Java JWT: A Deep Dive JWT, or JSON Web Token, is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. In the context of Java, this standard is comm...

Observer Pattern

Design_Patterns 02 Observer Pattern

Start from a Weather Observation Station There is a weather observation station which takes the responsility of observe the weather condition. A TV station will get the data from weather station a...

Strategy Pattern

Design_Patterns 01 Strategy Pattern

Start from a game There is a game - simulation ducks. In this game, the player can simulate red duck and green duck. Both kinds of ducks can swim and quack. The only difference is the color. Desi...

Features and differences of HTTP 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 protocols

Features and differences of HTTP 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 protocols

HTTP 1.0 Features of HTTP 1.0 Stateless: The server does not keep track and record the requested state. Connectionless: A new tcp connection is necessary for each request. HTTP/1.0 stipulate...

Algorithm and Data Structure - Array 02 Prefix Sum Array

Algorithm and Data Structure - Array 02 Prefix Sum Array

What is prefix sum array? Prefix Sum array is a data structure design which helps us to answer several queries such as sum in a given range in constant time which would otherwise take linear time....